Cristina Villegas


50 Years Celebration

Humanim is a Maryland-based nonprofit building pathways to employment and personal autonomy for those who need it most. In May of 2023, Humanim celebrated 50 years of impact with a month-long social media campaign and a large fundraising gala that gathered sponsors, partners, staff and guests. I created the social media graphics, event backdrops, and program booklet based on the pre-designed logo for the event.


Graphic design


Social media overlay

Logo backdrop

Timeline backdrop

Event program


3 months





Upon receiving the event’s logo (designed by Taylor Karabaich

of Design Strength) I began creating an overlay template for the communications team to use in their “Milestone Mondays” social media series, which highlighted major events in the nonprofit’s history. 

We then began to tackle the historical timeline backdrop. The planned 10x10 foot backdrop and limited photo options led me to develop a unique solution – a circular layout. With this format, I was able to evenly distribute the content across the square dimensions, allowing images to represent multiple events within each time period. I shared initial concepts at the start of the project, including the idea for the title “A Humanim History”, before fully designing the rest of the timeline. I organized the text so the majority was closer to the center to ensure comfortable readability. A QR code at the bottom right corner allowed viewers to read detailed descriptions for each milestone from their phone.

The final pieces were the logo backdrop and the event program, designed with a celebratory “dark theme” to match the nighttime setting. I set up the event program InDesign file to accommodate for a tight turnaround, as some of the content from sponsors would not be received until the days leading up to the event.