Cristina Villegas

Humanim Calendar 


Humanim is a Maryland-based nonprofit building pathways to employment and personal autonomy for those who need it most. Each quarter of the year, I create graphics for them to recognize national holidays, awareness months, and heritage months across all of their social media channels. For certain holidays, Humanim hosts fun activities for program participants, so I collaborate with the event planning committees to create handouts for these events.

Client-facing & internal flyers for a Halloween event.


Graphic design


IG, FB, LI, X, Blog graphics


1-3 days per graphic






Noun Project

Before diving into the design, I briefly research each holiday to ensure the graphics are culturally appropriate and sensible. My process is then shaped by a combination of brand guidelines, social media best practices, and the content provided by the marketing team.

Considering the need for visual harmony across social media pages, I take into account the aesthetics of previously published graphics while working on the next one. When a graphic involves photography, I source images from either Humanim’s photo bank or stock sites, ensuring that the selected stock photos align with the brand's look and feel. I create icons and illustrations using the Noun Project and Illustrator, which I then bring into InDesign to assemble the overall design.