Cristina Villegas

Fig Education Lab Web Redesign

Fig Education Lab is a budding nonprofit that is transforming education through collaborative design and research services. I worked with founder Georgia Heyward to clarify the organization's message through a user-friendly and compelling website that inspires prospective partners to collaborate and encourages funders to donate.

Before & after screenshots of the website.

Sitemap for the new website.

Initial wireframes for the new website.

Visit the website here.


Web design

Graphic design

Visual branding


Website with CMS templates

Style guide


4 months





Noun Project

Web Design

I first sat down with Georgia and drafted a project outline based on her goals, audience, available tools and limitations. Due to a limited budget, rather than conducting user testing, I thoroughly researched similar websites to inform the best user experience for this industry. With this knowledge, I created a sitemap and wireframes for each page, making sure the structure effectively communicated the unique services they offer. Major improvements included emphasizing call-to-action buttons, grouping related content into distinct pages, and adding client testimonials to bolster their credibility.

Graphic Design & Visual Branding

Once the content and structure was established, I began implementing the design on Wix and refreshed their visual identity along the way. The light color scheme with warm greens and cool blues communicates growth, harmony, and education. Backgrounds, text, buttons, and icons follow a consistent, reliable style guide. The text throughout the site was paired with imagery of students and teachers working together in bright, uplifting settings. There is plenty of white space to make the content more digestible, and a subtle background of fig leaves adds textural interest without distracting from the message. The logo was modernized using a sans-serif font with organic shapes that match the curved cropping of the boxes and images on the site.

Throughout the entire process, I made sure the design was mobile-friendly and as compliant as possible with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines so users of all abilities could access the content effortlessly.